Louise Pentycross
Louise Kekeri was born and raised in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire in the UK, a town which is commonly regarded as rather affluent but also quite conservative. So it wasn't surprising, therefore, that on finishing school, she chose to study in London. But even then a fascination for travel and other cultures together with a family history of working abroad led her further afield, culminating in Greece in the late 1980s.
Teaching was not at first something she would have considered, seeing as her parents were teachers. However, a Cambridge CELTA course in 1990 was decisive in changing that perspective.
Coincidentally, at that time, Labis Filis was just establishing his first language school and since then they have worked closely together in the field of English language teaching with considerable success.
Louise believes that arrogance and conceit have no place in the classroom and that a teacher's role should be basically altruistic. Too often we encounter "teachers" whose main concern is to promote their own knowledge and ability rather than focus on the varying needs of the young people whose fleeting presence in their lives should be cherished. The great joy of teaching is that the more you give, the more you receive. Every student is special. Every class is different.
The Linguistic Lab has managed to provide its teachers not only with the appropriate atmosphere and conditions to work effectively, but also the support and freedom to take initiatives and foster strong bonds with the students, who, in turn, can only benefit.
Louise is married with two children and lives in Lykoporia, Korinthias.