Το Γλωσσικό Εργαστήρι προσφέρει ένα πρόγραμμα εκμάθησης Αγγλικών για μαθητές ηλικίας 12-18 ετών κατά τη διάρκεια του καλοκαιριού.
Σας ενημερώνουμε ότι οι ετοιμασίες για το καλοκαίρι του 2014 έχουν ήδη αρχίσει. Δηλώστε συμμετοχή έγκαιρα για καλύτερες τιμές!
Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες για το ταξίδι το καλοκαίρι του 2013
Συνδυάστε μαθήματα και διακοπές, μια αξέχαστη εμπειρία, στο πανέμορφο Cambridge, βρεθείτε και ζήστε δίπλα στο φημισμένο πανεπιστήμιο της πόλης!
Επιλέξτε πρόγραμμα 1 εβδομάδας, 2 εβδομάδων, ή 10 ημερών
Η τιμή περιλαμβάνει: αεροπορικά εισιτήρια, διαμονή σε προσεκτικά επιλεγμένες οικογένειες, δίδακτρα, βιβλία, πτυχίο, διατροφή, εκδρομές σε μουσεία, πανεπιστήμια, εκδηλώσεις, και αλλά πολλά! Το πρόγραμμα προσφέρεται και με διαμονή σε εστία! Πληροφορίες στο κέντρο ξένων γλωσσών
Στη τιμή περιλαμβάνονται:
1) Άνετη διαμονή και 3 γεύματα/ημέρα
2) 20 ώρες την εβδομάδα μαθήματα Αγγλικών από έμπειρους καθηγητές
3) πτυχίο
4) ημερήσιες εκδρομές και απογευματινοί περίπατοι
5) απογευματινό καθημερινό πρόγραμμα
6) αεροπορικό εισιτήριο & μεταφορά από και προς το αεροδρόμιο
7) συνοδός καθηγήτρια
ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ CAMBRIDGE- ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙ 2013 (περισσότερες φωτογραφίες εδώ )
Φωτογραφίες από περασμένες χρονιές
Διαβάστε παρακάτω πως περιγράφουν τις εμπειρίες τους οι ίδιοι οι μαθητές που συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα.
Written By: Eirini Militsi and Markella Lentidaki
On our journey to England we stayed in the beautiful city of Cambridge.
Cambridge is a big city with a lot of things to see. First of all, there are 31 very famous colleges. We saw a lot of them and all the buildings have a royal and classic architecture with huge gardens and a lot of trees and flowers. Secondly, Cambridge has interesting museums like the Museum of Cambridge which is the real house of a family of the 17th century and other museums that exhibit classical and modern paintings of well-known artists such as Picasso.
In addition to this, the city of Cambridge has a lot of parks that are very large areas with grass and trees, where a lot of people and mostly students can have a break. Also, the houses of the city are alike because they have similar roofs, gardens with flowers and they have an aristocratic and regal style.
As for the people, they were very friendly and polite to us and helped us to get used to the stereotypes and the culture of the city.
It was a wonderful and amazing experience for all of us!!
The Lessons
Written by: Joanna Kaitsa and Katerina Mloukie
Part of our holidays in England were the lessons. They helped us improve our English in an educational and amusing way.
On Monday we had the first lesson and our teacher was Mr Kenneth. Because it was the first lesson, we played some games that helped us get to know each other. We also wrote a test to see what level our English was. Then we talked about our region and saw it on Google maps.
On Tuesday we changed classes depending on our level of English. Our teacher’s name was Lynn. Our classmates were Spanish boys and one girl from Switzerland. Their names were: Pauline,Fernando, Ignatio, Gonzalo, Javier and Pablo. We met each other and became good friends.
Every day we had lessons from 9:00 to 13:00. They were more like games because we learnt through having fun. We interacted really well with our classmates and they were all nice guys.
On Friday we had a presentation about a subject we had chosen. It was our last day in the school and we were very sad to leave our teacher and our classmates.
We think it was worth having these lessons in order to improve our English and meet new people.
Activities in Cambridge
Written by: Olina Kalafati & Aggeliki Betsista
It’s worth mentioning the adventurous activities in Cambridge. Starting from bowling which was exciting, we played all together and we scored all together, 129 point (as you see we are very good at that). Also we had to slide into the bowling lane to catch the ball!!! In addition, we went to theswimming pool which was also absolutely fantastic!! There were two big waterslides which were very steep. It was an extraordinary memory!!! What’s more, on the same day we went to a disco club to dance and had fun by dancing a lot!!! Finally, we went punting which is like canoeing and kayaking and it was amazingly entertaining because it was a bit hard to push and maintain your balance on the boat with the punting pole which was big and heavy to hold, but in the end it was one of the best activities!!!In conclusion our activities were special and I am looking forward to visiting Cambridge again!!
London trip
Written by: George Michopoulos & Alex Mloukie
During our stay in Cambridge, we went to one day trip to London!!! Our first stop was at the British museum where we stayed for two hours and saw cultures from all over the world. The Egyptian exhibits, specially the murals of so many symbols, were quite exciting, the Roman Empire statues of athletes playing sports, weapons and armors used in battles, were also fascinating and of course the Greek marbles which brought some sadness in our hearts, will be a strong memory…….but instantly forgotten to the sight of Big Ben, the marvelous Buckingham palace and the enjoyment of having an ice cream sitting on the lawn of St. James park along with thousands of people!! There is no doubt, that we had a great time there!!!!
Christina Papataxiarchi – The schedule
Our trip to England was an exciting and unforgettable experience. When we first arrived at Dean Close, Cheltenham, we saw four big buildings where we were going to live during our holidays there. There we also saw a dining room, many classrooms, tennis, football and basketball courts and many other places. But we were very tired, so we ate supper and we went to sleep. The next day we were woken up by our “houseparents” at 7.15 and we had 1 hour to prepare ourselves before breakfast at 8.15 at the dining room, where we had the opportunity to choose between many different kinds of breakfast foods to eat! It was perfect! After that, we went to our classrooms to have lessons. We had lessons for 3.40 hours with a 10-minute break every one hour. But those lessons were not ordinary….we learnt many different things and we practised our English by playing interesting games with our classmates. Then, at 12.40, we ate lunch. We had the opportunity to taste the English cuisine which was very interesting and strange as we were not familiar with it. After lunch, we had one hour free to do whatever we wanted inside the house. Then, we had two activities. Each activity lasted one hour and we had a half an hour break between them to get prepared for the next activity. Later, at 17.00, we had one and a half hour free to relax before our dinner at 18.30. Then we had the evening activity which was different every day and we had a great time every day with these activities. At 21.30 we went back home to eat juice and biscuits. And at 22.30…..lights were out and we had to sleep! Every day at Dean Close was like this but with some changes in the activities. But our last day there was very different. On our last day in England, we all went on an exclusive full day and overnight trip to London. This extended excursion provided students with enough time to see many of London’s world-famous sights such as Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, e.t.c. In the evening, we ate at a trendy pizza restaurant. After dinner, we had the opportunity to take a trip on the London Eye with its magical views of Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the River Thames below. Lastly, we stayed overnight in the UK capital which allowed us to soak up the atmosphere of one of the most famous cities in the world and spend the night with all our new friends before travelling home the following day.
Mirella Politi – The trips
One of the most interesting parts of staying at Dean Close was the weekly trips to places such as Shakespeare’s house, Cardiff Castle in Wales, etc. The trip would last one day (specifically from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm). The aim of these trips was to educate and entertain the children.
During my stay at the school we had an excursion to Wales. There we visited the popular Millennium Stadium and the historical Cardiff Castle. Apart from our chaperones, there were guides relating the history of each part of the castle and showing us around. After the tour we could go to eat lunch and see what the city of Cardiff was like. Then we had to meet the others at a specific place and time.
The 12th of August was our last day in England and we were going to spend it in London. As far as this trip is concerned, there are no words to describe it! London is a remarkable city where you can see some of the most famous sights in the world. First of all, we went to the breathtaking Westminster Abbey. In my opinion, this 700-year-old building is a must-see living pageant of British history. Then we saw the admirable Big Ben on our way to the palace. Buckingham Palace was one of the reasons we were looking forward to going to London. Despite the fact we were not allowed to enter, we got quite close to it and to the gardens. At noon we walked to Oxford Street in order to do some shopping. When we left Oxford Street we tried to find a place to eat. We had to hurry and not waste time at lunch or while walking.
Our tour of London ended up at the famous landmark, the London Eye. I must say it’s amazing but it’s so high that you think you are flying! As we were coming down a camera photographed us. I can’t say that it wasn’t frightening but it was a great opportunity to see London from another viewpoint. The London Eye was the last sight we visited. Then we got on our bus which transported us to a hotel near Heathrow Airport. That was the end of our journey to Great Britain.
Marsia Papamentzelopoulou – The Other Students
After a long journey from Greece to England and then from Heathrow airport to Cheltenham, we finally arrived at Dean Close. Almost all of the children were anxious whether the kids at school would like us or not. But our worries disappeared in our first hour in school. All the kids were very friendly from the very first time. They talked to us as if they had known us for a long time. It was really interesting hanging out with them. Through our conversations you could gradually understand all the different beliefs and cultures of the other countries. We had a very good time together and with most of the kids we are still in touch! It was a really nice experience and the best part of it was the new friendships that we made.